(My first round-up went kaput. 'must have been during the time blogger techies were doing a maintenance. I had to redo this so if I missed anyone, please let me know).
And I thought I knew everything about pulutan. When I did the round-up of all the entries to LP6: Pulutan (Let's wash it down with Booze!), I was quite surprised how people were able to come up with different recipes I haven't even heard of. Sheer ingenuity, yes that is what "drinking" can really bring out in us.
In a very intimate way, pulutan really makes drinking enjoyable and I am sure most of the contributors to LP 6 do not drink. Without further ado, I would like to present to you the contributors to Lasang Pinoy 6. Please note that there is no particular order in the way I presented the contributors.

Let's start with our star Baby Rambutan with her
Chitterlings. They're literally flowery pork intestines. Forget about what you're thinking. It's all worth it when You go and visit Stel's site.
Lutong Disyerto tweaked a tuna recipe he used to have on Saturday nights while in college. Find out how an ordinary skyflakes can make a century tuna appealing especially when you're tight with your budget.

JMom remembers her Dad's younger days when Kilawen na Kambing(goat) is the in thing.(Well, it still is). Having moved to North Carolina, goat meat has become a rarity. Just what can she come up with "when the goat is away"? I guess the
chicken can now come into play..teehee..

From an Ilocano country, bagis to us was intestines. Well, in the Tagalog region, they call it otherwise. Find out from
CeliaK's kitchen what it is.

Now this is Bagis to me,
Iska's Adobong Isaw. My father used to cook this but is served dry. As I was reading Iska's, they do use the same ingredients.

When Lani said she was going to prepared adobong bayawak, she really had me twiddling my thumbs. Aside from bayawak being an endangered species, I have yet to see one even in pot. Guess what, I knew I was in for disappointment when she prepared kalderetang kambing instead. It's alright. I am still hoping that I will taste one soon.
'ever wondered why Joey's site is called ChichaJo? Well, it's all because of these
crackling, deep fried pork rind that Joey describes sinful and yet satisfying..
Shrimps is a very versatile kind of food. They can fried and seasoned with salt. Yes, just like that. Mirsbin was more in the mood and came up with
Shrimps with Sweet and Spicy Sauce
I have to warn you that this is not for the faint-hearted dog owners. No, Marketman did not cook his labrador for this event. Well, I was in for another dis
appointment when someone promised to give me an entry about his pulutan. I guess he was ready to give me one especially when he learned that this event was circulated world-wide. We do have dogs for pulutan but then again not everyone is into it.
Marketman has his own take about pulutan when he said "I understand the argument against eating anything that is endangered or anything that appears to have more intelligence than many fellow humans, etc. but if you strip away a lot of the noise, it’s just protein, fat and calories. And for some reason, eating unusual protein or strange animal body parts is often accompanied by a beer or other alcoholic drink.". Really, sometimes it's the culture too.

And yes, they do have
tuwalya and laman-lamanan in Antibes or is it in Greece? Well, both. Schatzli talks about how pinoy wherever they man be always have the knack for entertaining themselves with gusto.
Karen of course came up with
Sisig Paro complete with explanation how its name came about.

Impress yourselves with Karen's entry. It definitely reminded me of the different terminologies we have of one thing despite the fact that we all are from one archipelago like the egg is called itlog in Baguio but once it reaches Pampanga, has become ebon.

Relly will surely break my kids' hearts when they find out about her
Stewed Rabbit recipe. We own two dwarf rabbits that have perpetually looked like bunnies even after 5 years. I have to admit that my father used to cook adobong kuneho when I was young. Thanks Relly who is new to Lasang Pinoy.

Who can beat the most classic pulutan called
pinapaitan? Kai has the talent to even come up with a very vivid description of how her townsfolk plan anything just to have kambing.

Full marks of course goes to Ces for coming up with
Kilawen na Tuna. I do not know about you but I love raw fish and shrimps and I always get warned by my mother-in-law not to indulge so much in anything raw as my stomach might churn. But like Ces, this is my ultimate pulutan.
great series here!thakns for sharing :)
sarap naman nito !
Thank you for hosting Ting! I'll update my post to include the link to your round-up.
shucks! nagugutom ako!!!!
forget the booze! sa pulutan ako! may kanin ba dyan? hehehe (ginawang ulam, haha!)
thank you for hosting ting! sige inom ka na--booze or not ;D to make up for all the sweat.
i got a bit alarmed fr the picture of the doggy of market man...heehee.
Great round-up, Ting! Thanks again for hosting LP6!
It's very interesting because having "pulutan" with our alcohol is almost uniquely Pinoy I think. Westerners find it strange that we need to have whole food (peanuts and chips will not do!) when we're out drinking.
I would have wanted to join, but alas was out of town for 2 weeks in January. Until the next Lasang Pinoy! =)
hi ting!
great round-up! been trying to post also since the other day..i can't get thru as well! i just saw your comment in my other page..
thanks again for hosting!!! let's have almusal naman!:)
All this is making me hungry! Rice... let me get some rice...
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