Thursday, June 09, 2005


To some who are not familiar with this recipe, 'thought this might help

And you thought that poutine can only be ordered at A & W or New York Fries? Think again. This poutine was homemade with whatever I can grab from the fridge. This was my son's bowl. It's a crime to our palate but there is such a word as "splurging" which we're entitled to once in a while.

I had a bag of fries in the freezer for quite a while and I thought I needed to get rid of it without throwing the bag into the garbage. Well, I also call myself lucky because I had quite a few bacon bits from a Ceasar Salad I prepared for our office lunch earlier; hmm....leftover gravy from a pot roast dinner and a bit of mozarella from a burger dinner, some green onions too? Phew, New York Fries call this "The Works"..I call it "Mommy's work

Words of caution: You can add anything you want. My picture is only a guide. Diced tomatoes can help. A little bit of olives as well. Lotsa cheezeee.. Just don't forget that too much carbo is not good for you. And don't come back to me saying that there is such a word as "splurging" because I told you there was so.


dexiejane said...

that looks really good. never had it but will probably try it one of these days. thanks :)

cathy said...

kamag-anak niya si Putin ng Russia ?

ting-aling said...

AnP, now you know!

Hi Dexiekins. Try it. It's really good.

Cat, I think you are talking about the Russian Version.hekhekhek.

Sari-Sari Winkel said...

Ting-Aling, is poutine an american dish? pardon me for my ignorance! i've never heard of it, and never encountered it either when I lived in the U.S. a couple of years ago. Looks yummy though!

ting-aling said...

Hi Sari..I added a link just before my post so others will know too..

ting-aling said...

I never liked it before too Mrs. T. I thought it was yucky especially with how my kids ate it. Soon, I learned how to eat them them a fork and that was the start of my love affair with Poutine.