Friday, October 15, 2004


Yes, Puto. They were home-made alright but out of a pre-mixed box. I also used my egg poacher which wasn't a bad idea. I will tell you how I made them just the same.


Cerridwen said...

mind sharing the recipe for this puto you have in your blog? is that cheddar cheese on top?

ting-aling said...

Cerridwen, I tried going back to the Filipino store to buy another box so I could add the recipe but it ran out of those pre mixed boxes. Let me tell you though that instead of using water, I substituted it with coconut milk. I also reduced the sugar content by about half of what it called for. I sprayed the poacher with olive oil so the mixture won't stick to the bottom of the poacher. Yes, the orangey thing in the middle was cheddar cheese.

Cerridwen said...

ohh so it's the pre mix then? I can go to the Fil store for that. Coconut milk those that are in the can right? Any brand that you prefer? I am thinking of adding puto for Thanksgiving dinner.

By the way, seems like one of the fav around here for my regular TG dinner is my hawaian stuffing inside the turkey, have you tried that? It seems tomake the turkey taste a little bit better when adding chunks of Pineapple and pears inside :)

ting-aling said...

He Cerridwen, there is no particular brand I buy because the most common ones we have here are imported from Thailand.

About putting pineapple chunks in my turkey? haven't tried it yet but it would be interesting if you give me your recipe. Looking forward to it.